Green Club

What is Green Club?

Green Club is a program for all Jenius Users that provides different benefits based on the user’s Club categorization. Categorization is based on the previous month’s average balance. Changes in the current month’s average balance will affect the user’s Club level in the following month.

Through Green Club, Jenius aims to support Users in managing and developing better finances while providing special rewards and benefits in each Club level achieved by Users.

What Clubs are available in Jenius?

There are 5 Clubs in Jenius:

  • Seed
  • Plant
  • Grow
  • Nurture
  • Bloom

Outside of Clubs, there is Sinaya Priority status. Sinaya Priority is a status given to Jenius Users with total wealth min. IDR 500,000,000 excluding average balance, including investment products, bancassurance, and branch deposits. If Users receive a Sinaya Priority invitation, they can enjoy priority benefits along with benefits equivalent to Club Bloom.

What are the requirements for each Club?

Clubs are calculated based on the previous month’s average Jenius balance. Here are the balance requirements for each Club:

  1. Seed: Average balance below IDR1,000,000
  2. Plant: Minimum average balance IDR1,000,000 – IDR 9,999,999
  3. Grow: Minimum average balance IDR10,000,000 – IDR 99,999,999
  4. Nurture: Minimum average balance IDR100,000,000 – IDR 499,999,999
  5. Bloom: Minimum average balance IDR500,000,000

This average balance is calculated from all active funds processed through the Jenius App, excluding investment products, bancassurance, and branch deposits.

What benefits do you get in each Club?

Here are the benefits you’ll get in each Club:

No Benefit Seed
IDR1,000,000 – IDR9,999,999
IDR10,000,000 – IDR99,999,999
IDR100,000,000 – IDR499,999,999
≥ IDR500,000,000
1 Interbank transfer with BI-FAST Unlimited
2 ATM withdrawal (Prima/Bersama) 2 5 15 25 50
3 Club-exclusive special offers Based on Club and Merchant Based on Club and Merchant Based on Club and Merchant Based on Club and Merchant Based on Club and Merchant
4 KrisFlyer redemption 1x/month 1x/month 1x/month 1x/month 2x/month
5 GarudaMiles redemption 1x/month 1x/month 1x/month 1x/month 2x/month
6 e-Wallet top up cashbacks No IDR2,000
Gopay 2x
ShopeePay 2xIDR1,500
mandiri e-money & BNI Tapcash 2x
Gopay 2x
ShopeePay 2xIDR1,500
mandiri e-money & BNI Tapcash 2x
Gopay 2x
ShopeePay 2xIDR1,500
mandiri e-money & BNI Tapcash 2x
Gopay 2x
ShopeePay 2xIDR1,500
mandiri e-money & BNI Tapcash 2x
7 Free s-Card Fee No No No


Maks. 1 card


Maks. 2 cards

8 0% credit card installment quota No 2x 0% 3-month
installment (min. IDR 5M)1x 0% 6-month
installment (min. IDR 5M)
2x 0% 3-month
installment (min. IDR 5M)1x 0% 6-month
installment (min. IDR 5M)
I just registered a Jenius account and don’t have any balance in my Jenius account. Can I enjoy Green Club benefits?

If you just registered with Jenius, you’ll automatically be in Seed Club and receive all Seed Club benefits valid until the end of the month after completing registration. On the 1st of the following month, your benefits will align with your Club status.


  • If you complete Jenius account registration on November 1, all Seed Club benefits are valid until November 30.
  • If you complete Jenius account registration on November 25, all Seed Club benefits are valid until November 30.
If I activate my Jenius account after 1 month of registration, can I still enjoy Green Club benefits?

Yes. Your benefits will align with your Green Club status.

Will the highest Green Club (Bloom) replace Sinaya Priority?

Bloom Club does not replace Sinaya Priority. Jenius users with Sinaya Priority status will maintain their special Sinaya Priority privileges along with Club Bloom benefits, regardless of their current Club.

Where can I find my Sinaya Priority status information in Green Club?

To find your Sinaya Priority status information on the Green Club page, you can open the Green Club page by tapping Club in the top right of Home, then scroll down until you see the Sinaya Priority information and list of privileges you have.

I’m a Sinaya Priority customer, what benefits will I receive?

In addition to Club Bloom benefits, Sinaya Priority customers are entitled to these privileges:

  • Special Sinaya Priority rewards with various free services
  • Exclusive financial services from a personal relationship manager
  • International and domestic travel insurance with coverage up to Rp1.5 Billion
  • Priority Pass with access to 1,700 airport lounges
  • Priority for Family in the form of Sinaya Priority services for family
If I upgrade to Sinaya Priority mid-month, will I get benefits equivalent to Club Bloom on the same day?

No. You will receive your current Club benefits until the end of the month, and will receive Club Bloom benefits in the following month.

As Sinaya Priority, how many free ATM withdrawal quotas do I get?

You will get 50x free withdrawal quotas per month with the following specifications:

  • Rupiah withdrawals from domestic ATMs (Prima/Bersama) and overseas
  • Foreign Currency withdrawals from overseas ATMs (Visa/Visa+)
  • The quota from these two types of withdrawals remains combined at 50x quota, not 100x (50 + 50).
I’m in Club Bloom, but not a Sinaya Priority customer. Does my free withdrawal quota also include Foreign Currency withdrawals, like Sinaya Priority benefits?

No. Your free withdrawal quota will only apply when you withdraw Rupiah from Prima/Bersama ATMs, with a quota of 50x per month.

How to upgrade to Sinaya Priority?

See complete information about Sinaya Priority here.

What is monthly average balance?

Monthly average balance is the sum of your daily Total Jenius Balance for a month divided by the number of days in that month. There are two types of monthly average balance: last month’s average balance and this month’s average balance.

For last month’s average balance, the figure is taken from the average balance on the last date of the previous month. This figure determines the User’s Club this month.

For this month’s average balance, the figure is taken from the total daily balance from the 1st of this month until yesterday, divided by the number of days that have passed until yesterday. This figure will determine the User’s Club next month.

How can I check my monthly average balance?

Open the Jenius app, look at the top right, and tap the Green Club badge. This badge is a colored box showing the Club name and corresponding plant logo.

You’ll open the Green Club page. On this page, you’ll see last month’s average balance information that determines your Green Club this month.

For this month’s average balance information, you can tap Average balance this month.

Is only the balance in the main account (Active Balance) counted?

The balance counted is your Total Jenius account balance, including funds in Dream Saver, Flexi Saver, Maxi Saver, Foreign Currency, Jenius Business and Cards. Balances not counted include investment products like mutual funds, bancassurance, bonds, and branch deposits.

I have a Flexi Cash balance I haven’t withdrawn to Active Balance. Is this balance included in my average balance calculation?

No. Flexi Cash menu balance not withdrawn to Active Balance won’t be included in your Jenius account average balance calculation.

I withdrew Flexi Cash to Active Balance. Is this balance included in my Jenius account average balance calculation?

Yes. Once you withdraw funds from Flexi Cash to Active Balance, those funds will be included in your Jenius account average balance calculation.

I heard that Jenius’s monthly free transaction program has been discontinued, is this true?

Monthly free transaction quotas still exist but have been renamed to free transaction quota.

Starting July 1, 2024, Jenius Users can enjoy free interbank transfers via BI-FAST. The BI-FAST transfer method will automatically be selected as the default transfer method by the Jenius app system.

For free cash withdrawal quota at Prima/Bersama ATMs, the monthly quota will depend on each User’s Club.

How many free transaction quotas are given in Green Club?

At the start of each month, Jenius will provide free quotas for interbank transfers via BI-FAST (unlimited) and cash withdrawals at Prima/Bersama ATMs (quota based on Club).

For free cash withdrawal quota at Prima/Bersama ATMs, here are the terms:

  • Jenius Users in Seed Club (average balance below IDR1,000,000 in previous month) get 2x quota
  • Jenius Users in Plant Club (average balance IDR1,000,000 – IDR9,999,999 in previous month) get 5x quota
  • Jenius Users in Grow Club (average balance IDR10,000,000 – IDR99,999,999 in previous month) get 15x quota
  • Jenius Users in Nurture Club (average balance IDR100,000,000 – IDR499,999,999 in previous month) get 25x quota
  • Jenius Users in Bloom Club (average balance above IDR500,000,000) get 50x quota
Will my quota be reset every month?

Yes. Benefit quotas for each Club will be reset monthly on the 1st based on the average balance on the last date of the previous month.

How do I make transfers with BI-FAST?

Interbank transfers through the Jenius app will automatically use BI-FAST method if the destination bank is in the BI-FAST network. You can directly enjoy free transfers without any additional setup.

Does free BI-FAST transfer apply to all users?

Yes. Starting July 1, 2024, unlimited free transfers with BI-FAST apply to all Jenius users in all Clubs, including new users who successfully complete Jenius account registration.

Does free transfer only apply to BI-FAST transfer method?

Yes. Unlimited free transfers only apply to BI-FAST transfer method. Transaction fees still apply for non-BI-FAST transfer methods and the complete list can be seen here.

If my September average balance is above IDR10,000,000, will I still get unlimited free BI-FAST transfers and 15x free cash withdrawals at Bersama/Prima ATMs in October?

Yes. Jenius Users with an average balance between IDR10,000,000 and IDR99,999,999 will get Grow Club. Those in Grow Club will receive unlimited free interbank transfers via BI-FAST, 15x free cash withdrawals at Bersama/Prima ATMs monthly, and other Grow Club-specific benefits.

Are there other benefits besides free transaction quotas?

Yes. Various other benefits are provided to Jenius Users depending on their achieved Club. You can see other benefits in Green Club here.

After my free transaction quota is used up, can I still make interbank transfers or withdraw cash at Prima/Bersama ATMs?

Of course. You can still make interbank transfers via BI-FAST and withdraw cash at Prima/Bersama ATMs. However, these transactions will incur transaction fees.

What transactions will reduce my free transaction quota?

Transactions that will reduce your free transaction quota are cash withdrawals at Prima/Bersama ATMs using Jenius Debit Card (both m-Card and x-Card).

Transactions like interbank transfers via BI-FAST and e-Wallet balance top-ups at e-Wallet Center won’t reduce your free transaction quota.

If my free transaction quota is used up, what fees will be charged?

Starting July 1, 2024, transfers to other banks using BI-FAST method won’t be charged. Interbank transfer fees apply for these transfer methods:

  • Online transfer method (RTOL): IDR5,000
  • SKN transfer method: IDR2,900
  • RTGS transfer method: IDR25,000

After free transaction quota is used up, cash withdrawals at Bersama/Prima ATMs will be charged IDR7,500 per transaction.

Will I be charged if BI-FAST service is unavailable during maintenance by BI or SMBC Indonesia?

Yes, you’ll be charged interbank transfer fees according to these transfer methods:

  • Online transfer method (RTOL): IDR5,000
  • SKN transfer method: IDR2,900
  • RTGS transfer method: IDR25,000
I use an additional debit card (x-Card) to withdraw cash at Prima/Bersama ATMs. Will my free quota be reduced?

Yes, your quota will be reduced. Every cash withdrawal using m-Card or x-Card/Special Card will reduce your free transaction quota.

I have free cash withdrawal quota at Prima/Bersama ATMs, but why am I charged IDR4,000?

There’s no fee for cash withdrawals, but there’s a IDR 4,000 fee per transaction when you check your balance at Bersama/Prima ATMs.

To avoid any fees when withdrawing cash, you can check your balance first in the Jenius app or SMBC Indonesia ATMs. To find SMBC Indonesia ATM locations, check or through the Jenius app in the Find Us menu.

If I make interbank transfers or cash withdrawals through SMBC Indonesia ATMs, will I still be charged transaction fees?

If you make interbank transfers through SMBC Indonesia ATMs, you’ll be charged IDR6,500 per transaction.

If I make a transfer to pay credit card installments, will that reduce my free transaction quota?

Starting July 1, 2024, free transfers no longer apply to credit card bill payments and other bill payments. Free transfer quota will only apply to interbank transfers using BI-FAST method.

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