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Mutual Funds

Growing wealth made simpler

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  • Account opening without hassle
  • Buy and sell connected to Active Balance
  • Portfolio composition based on risk profile
  • Easy to track portfolio
  • Well recorded history

Get to Know the Simple Ways to Invest

Get to Know the
Simple Ways to Invest


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Now You Can Invest in Jenius

Simply open Jenius App,
select Wealth on the bottom screen
navigation, then select the Investment
menu to start investing on mutual
fund and grow your wealth faster.

Simply open Jenius App,
select Wealth on the bottom
screen navigation, then select
the Investment menu to start
investing on mutual fund
and grow your wealth faster.

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Know Your Risk Profile

To open a mutual fund account, you must take the risk profile quiz to understand your tolerance level towards investment risk and suitable product category composition.

The quiz is simple.
Just answer six questions to know your risk profile that will be valid for one year.

If your risk profile is already expired, you need to retake the quiz to get a new risk profile to continue buying/selling mutual funds.

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  • 5 risk profiles in Jenius: conservative, moderate conservative, moderate,
    aggressive moderate, aggressive
  • 5 risk profiles in Jenius: conservative, moderate conservative, moderate, aggressive moderate, aggressive.
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Account Registration In Two Steps

No need to fill out a lot of data to open your mutual fund account. You only need to give your last education level, then agree to the terms & conditions.

After your application is submitted, your data will be verified up to a maximum of two bourse days.

To make the verification faster, make sure you are already using your latest and valid private data.

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Easy to Create Portfolio Based on Investment Goals

What are your investment goals?
To buy your wish list?
To prepare an education fund?
To save pension fund?

Whatever your goals are, let’s make it happen by creating an investment portfolio that will be a home for your mutual fund products.

You only can make one portfolio in Jenius.

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Check Your Composition Before Investing

To help you fill your portfolio, Jenius prepared a product category composition with specific percentage based on your risk profile.

You also can make this percentage as the reference before buying mutual funds or making your own composition based on your needs.

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Two Ways for Easier Search

There are two options to help you find the right mutual fund.

  1. Based on fund managers
    Ashmore, Mandiri, Schroders.
  2. Based on product category
    Money market, short-term bonds,
    long-term bonds, equity

Currently, there are 17 mutual fund products available. See more in Jenius App.

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Simpler Transactions Connected to Active Balance

Simply purchase your selected mutual fund.

No fund transfer.
No hassle of e-wallet top up.
No need to connect your account because your purchase will deduct Active Balance.

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  • Verification process takes up to maximum 2 bourse days
  • Each product may have a different transaction fee policy
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Sell Mutual Fund Without Hassle

Redeem your investment, by selling the mutual fund from your portfolio.

For your info, each product may have a different policy for minimum sale amount and verification time.

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Easy to Track/Manage Investment Portfolio

Open the wealth page to access this information:

  • Total Wealth
    Total amount from Total Cash and Total Investment
  • Total Investment
    The total investment that you have
  • Total investment return

Return information in IDR as well as the
percentage value Want to change portfolio name?

Access your portfolio page,
then tap the top right icon.

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Investment Terms That you Must Know

Find some confusing terms when you want to invest? Let’s find out the meaning!

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The party who managed administration includes ensuring all transactions by fund managers abide to the rules, as well as safe keeping for mutual fund assets.

Monthly report of mutual fund products which are published by fund managers, consist of the mutual fund performance, portfolio info, and asset under management.

Days on which securities trading on the stock exchange is conducted, namely Monday through Friday, except public holidays or days defined as a holiday by the stock exchange.

About Jenius Mutual Fund

What is mutual fund investment?

Mutual fund is a platform to collect funds from investors to be invested in securities portfolios by fund managers.

Can I invest in Jenius App?

Yes, you can invest in mutual funds in Jenius App, because Jenius (BPTN Bank) is an application that acts as a selling agent of mutual fund securities that offers products from fund managers.

What do I need to do to invest my own mutual fund on Jenius?

First, you need to have an active Jenius account.

Second, you have to take the risk profile quiz and open a mutual fund account in Jenius App.

What are the benefits of having a mutual fund on Jenius?

Investing in mutual funds in Jenius is quite simple.

You can open an account by just giving out your last education level.

An easy-to-learn product category composition to help you build your portfolio.

Transaction is simpler, because you can buy and sell directly from/to Active Balance. Say goodbye to the hassle of top up/fund transfer.

What is a prospectus and fund fact sheet?

Prospectus is a document consisting of complete information about mutual fund products that need to be understood by the investor before making the purchase. Some information in the prospectus include product features, fund managers, custodian bank, product expenses, transaction rules and dissolution or mutual fund liquidation.

Fund Fact Sheet is a monthly report of a mutual fund product that is published by fund managers, consisting of the mutual fund performance, portfolio info, and asset under management.

Is it secure to invest with Jenius?

Yes, because Jenius is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) also guaranteed by Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Jenius also two-steps authentication by generating unique codes as an extra layer of security.

All of your funds and units are also safely stored in the respective Custodian Bank.

How can I have a mutual fund account?

Before opening a mutual fund account, make sure you already have a Jenius account and take the risk profile quiz.

Then you can create a new account with only a few simple steps by simply fill in your last education level, and agree to the terms and conditions.

What is a risk profile?

A Risk profile is an information to describe an investor’s tolerance level towards their investment risk.

Every person may have a different risk profile that depends on many factors such as financial condition, investment knowledge, investment goals, and investment experience.

What are the types of risk profiles in Jenius?

There are 5 types of risk profile:

  • Conservative
  • Conservative Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Aggressive Moderate
  • Aggressive
How long is my risk profile valid for?

A risk profile of an investor is valid for one year from the time the risk profile is generated by the quiz.

If your risk profile is expired, you cannot make any purchase/sale and must retake the quiz to get a new one.

What is the process to open an account?

There are three steps that you have to do.

First, apply for an account by giving out your last education level followed by agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Second, after you submit your data, Jenius will verify it within a maximum two bourse days.

Third, Jenius will notify you after the process is done.

How long does Jenius need to verify my opening account application?

The verification process takes up to a maximum two bourse days after application is submitted.

What am I supposed to do when my application has failed?

You can contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 or you can go to the nearest BTPN Sinaya to get assistance for re-applying.

Can foreigners have a mutual fund account in Jenius?

Yes, foreigners can have a mutual fund account in Jenius, except for USA citizens due to FATCA policy limitation.

What am I supposed to do after I open my mutual fund account on Jenius?

After opening an mutual fund account, proceed to create a portfolio.

After creating a portfolio, you can see the product category composition as a reference to choose the right product. Then continue by making a purchase of the product.

How can I track my investment in Jenius?

You can open the Investment menu and select your portfolio. Then you can see various information such as returns and unit amount from each product that you have.

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a home for every product that you invest in to achieve your financial goals.

How many portfolios can I create?

At the moment, you can create one portfolio only. But in the near future, Jenius will allow you to create more than one portfolio.

Can I change my portfolio name or picture?

At the moment, you can change your portfolio name only. Do this by selecting icon at the top right of the screen on the Portfolio page.

What are Fund Managers?

Fund managers are those who manage mutual fund products and must obtain permits from OJK.

How does Jenius curate the right Fund Managers?

BTPN has a strict due diligence process to choose fund managers who have credibility and a good track record.

What is a product category?

A product category is a group of several investment products that have similar risk characteristics and arranged based on risk profile.

What is a portfolio composition?

A portfolio composition is a product category with specific percentage based on your risk profile in order to optimize your investment.

Can the percentage on portfolio composition change?

Yes, portfolio composition can be changed based on periodic product reviews.

Can I only purchase products based on my risk profile?

No, you can purchase other products outside of your risk profile. But you have to understand the risk that might happen for every transaction you make.

What is a product risk level?

Product risk level is an information that describes the different levels of risk for each product.

Mutual fund products have different levels of risk that are influenced by the fund manager’s decision to allocate funds across various instruments.

How can I buy mutual fund products in Jenius?

Start by searching for products by fund managers or product categories, choose the right product, decide the invested amount, agree to the declaration, and wait for the verification process.

How can I sell mutual fund products in Jenius?

Start by choosing the product, decide the sales unit that you want to sell, agree to the declaration, and wait for the verification process.

Which day will be used for NAV pricing for my purchase and sale?

If the transaction is conducted before 2.00 pm (WIB time) on the bourse day, the transaction will be processed based on the Net Asset Value (NAV)/unit calculated by the end of that day.

If the transaction is conducted after 2.00 pm (WIB time) on bourse day or on the bourse holiday (including Saturday, Sunday, National Holiday) the transaction will be processed based on the NAV/unit calculated at the end of the next bourse day.

What is Unit Holding and NAV/Unit?

Unit Holding is the unit of the mutual fund product that you have. The obtained units are calculated by dividing the total fund invested by the NAV/Unit value at the time of purchase.

NAV/Unit is the price per unit of a mutual fund product that is updated daily. NAV/Unit value can be your benchmark to do buy and sell transactions.

How long does the mutual fund purchase process take?

Your purchase takes up to 2 bourse days to be verified. Jenius will notify you when the process is done.

How long will my sale be processed?

Your sales takes up to 7 bourse days to be verified. Jenius will notify you when the process is done.

Can I see my investment transaction history on Jenius?

Yes, you can see your transaction history on the Transaction menu on your investment portfolio. You also can see all your income and expense overview in Moneytory menu.

What is the meaning of price change or return value on the product detail page?

Price change or return information aims to describe past performances of a certain product, but does not reflect their performance in the future.

Are there any fees for my transactions?

Each mutual fund product may have a different transaction fee policy.

How much is the minimum investment purchase value in Jenius?

Each mutual fund product has a different policy for minimum investment amount.

Does Jenius sell Foreign Currency mutual funds?

At the moment,Jenius does not offer a foreign currency fund

Can I do investment switching in Jenius?

At the moment, Jenius does not offer switching transactions.

Can I make a recurring transaction on a mutual fund product?

At the moment, Jenius does not offer scheduled purchase transactions.

What is Auto Invest?

Additional option in mutual fund feature to do automated top up based on your preference.

What is the advantage of Auto Invest?

You have the freedom to choose the amount, frequency, starting date, and the terms to end the transactions.

What is the benefit of Auto Invest?

You can do mutual fund top up automatically and you have the freedom to choose the amount, starting time, and the frequency so you can achieve your financial goals faster.

Where I can access Auto Invest?
    • If Auto Invest is not active

Go to Wealth page, choose Investment menu, then choose portfolio in Mutual Fund box. Then go to portfolio page, click the three dots button on the mutual fund product, then select Create Auto Invest.

  • If Auto Invest is active

Go to Wealth page, choose Investment menu, then choose portfolio on mutual fund. Then select View Auto Invest detail on the portfolio page.

How to use Auto Invest?

– Open Jenius App, go to Wealth page on the bottom screen navigation, then go to Investment menu.
– See the Mutual Fund, then select portfolio.
– Click the three dots button on your mutual fund product, then select Create Auto Invest.
– Input the amount that will deduct from Active Balance.
– Select the Auto Invest frequency.
– Select starting date for Auto Invest.
– Select the terms to end Auto Invest, then choose the date or transaction amount.
– Review all the information. Then select Next.
– Review more information details. Then select Next.
– Read and agree the customer declaration, then select Confirm & Buy Mutual Fund.

How Auto Invest works?

Auto Invest will automatically deduct your Active Balance according to pre-determined amount, time, and period.

How much the frequency option for Auto Invest?

Currently there are 4 options.
– Once
– Daily
– Weekly
– Monthly

Does daily Auto Invest apply every day?

Daily Auto Invest will only apply on working days (Monday to Friday) and not applicable on holidays.

Can I schedule Auto Invest outside of working days?

If you choose Once or Monthly period, you are free to choose Auto Invest schedule date.
If your chosen date is on weekend, Jenius will debit on that date but the actual mutual fund purchase will follow the next bourse day.

How can I stop Auto Invest?

Currently there are 3 ways to stop Auto Invest.
– Date (ends on selected date)
– Frequency (ends after reach particular amount)
– Manually (ends after cancelled manually)

Does Auto Invest can be paused?

Yes. Auto Invest can be paused and resumed based on your preference.

How to paused Auto Invest?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page
– Select View Auto Invest detail
– On the Auto Invest detail page, select Pause

What will happen if I pause my Auto Invest?

The automatic top up schedule will be paused until Auto Invest resumes.

Can Auto Invest paused automatically?

Yes. Auto Invest can automatically paused if you have insufficient Active Balance, expired risk profile, or Jenius is experiencing system problems

What will happens if my Active Balance is insufficient during the Auto Invest schedule?

On every Auto Invest schedule, Jenius will deduct 3 times on 06.00, 09.00, and 12.00 WIB. If Jenius fail to deduct on the first and second time, there will be notification to ensure you have sufficient active balance. If still fail to deduct on the last time, Auto Invest will be paused automatically.

What will happens if my Active Balance is insufficient during the Auto Invest schedule?

Make sure you have sufficient Active Balance or renew your risk profile, then go to Auto Invest detail page, select Resume Now or Resume at The Next Period (if paused due to insufficient Active Balance) and select Next (if risk profile are expired).

How to resume my paused Auto Invest?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page
– Select View Auto Invest detail
– On the Auto Invest detail page, select Next

Does Auto Invest can be stopped?

Yes. You can click Stop at the Auto Invest detail page.

How to stop Auto Invest?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page
– Select View Auto Invest detail
– On the Auto Invest detail page, select Stop.

What will happen if I stop my Auto Invest?

All the scheduled Auto Invest will be cancelled.

Can I edit Auto Invest details?

Yes. You can change the amount, frequency, and the terms to end an ongoing Auto Invest.

How to change Auto Invest details?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page.
– Select View Auto Invest detail
– On the Auto Invest detail page, select Edit.
– Make your new changes, then finish process.
Want to know an easier way? Click the tree dots button on the mutual fund product in portfolio page, then click Edit Auto Invest.

What will happen if I change my Auto Invest details?

All the arrangement (including the transaction fee) will change according to the new details.

Where can I track my Auto Invest schedule?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page
– Select View Auto Invest detail
– Track the schedule on the Auto Invest detail page.

How can I track the transaction status for Auto Invest?

– Go to mutual fund portfolio page
– Select Transaction menu.
– Check the transaction history based on time order.

When Auto Invest is active, can I sell or top up my mutual fund?

Yes, you can sell or top up your mutual fund in full or partially even when Auto Invest is active.

Is there any additional fees to use Auto Invest?

There is no additional fee for Auto Invest. However, each mutual fund product may have different policy regarding transaction fee.

What is an SID number?

An SID (Single Investor Identification) is a single identification number for an investor in the Indonesian capital market, issued by KSEI (Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia)

Where can I see my SID number?

Jenius will send an e-mail with your SID number after your investment account opening process is done.

How can I get a mutual fund monthly report?

You can download your mutual fund monthly report on

What is an AKSes KSEI?

An AKSes is a platform created by KSEI (Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia) so that investor can directly monitor their investment portfolio in the Indonesian capital market. Through AKSes, you can view the mutual fund ownership report (account statement) from Custodian Bank.

How can I open a AKSes KSEI account?

You can open and proceed with registration process

What are the types of mutual funds in Jenius?

There are 4 mutual fund types available in Jenius, which are money market fund, fixed income fund, balance fund, and equity fund.